Feb 11, 20151 min
Illustration : Work In Progress
Inching my way, adding few minutes of work every night. Oh how I missed drawing my own stuff. Wonder how long it will take till I’m...
Nov 10, 20141 min
AZ vs Biscuit #060
#sketchbook #azvsbiscuit #mom #autodesk #sketechbookpro #baby #glasses
Oct 10, 20141 min
AZ vs Biscuit #054
Pros and cons #sketchbook #azvsbiscuit #mom #autodesk #raspberry #baby
Sep 29, 20141 min
AZ vs Biscuit #051
Postbaby Hairloss #sketchbook #azvsbiscuit #mom #autodesk #sketechbookpro #baby #postpartum