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GF Chocolate Chip Cookies

Let me explain about these chocolate chip cookies.

These are gluten free (GF). But if you hadn't liked gluten free cookies, you'll be surprised.

I tend to say 'meh' to most store-bought GF cookies because I seem to feel this slight gummy, slimy texture, that I am assuming has a lot to do with Xanthan gum that helps bind the ingredients without gluten. This one does not have that! The ingredients included in my flour mix are oats, rice, potato (starch), tapioca. It is not egg free or dairy free. This item I can get to you very close to on-demand while the I have the dough, so if you message me and we arrange the time, I can get you some super freshly baked ones. These are mini cookies, about inch and a half wide, but I could make these into full-size cookies, so feel free to message me, send me a chat, anything. OH but speaking of email, my email is currently down. I've been trying to fix this issue for a while now but every time we adjust the setting we need 48 hours till the setting starts working and it has just been a string of failure. I hope it gets resolved soon, but meanwhile please avoid using that address. Contact page, any of the SNS messages and the chat on this site works just fine

:) Cheers!


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